Crap. I accidently took just about an entire week off of working out. I have lots of excuses for each day, but mainly: sick, work, no alarm. Whatever. Can't dwell on the past; gotta keep the eyes looking straight ahead. I am happy that I did get back in the gym today. It's a great feeling to have your ass kicked by yourself. Sometimes at the gym, I feel like Tyler Durden. I actively choose to go in each day (some days...) and get my ass beat.
So todays .com workout was rough. I, apparently, chose a good week to take off though. Everyone around the gym is complaining about how they haven't been this sore since they first started Crossfit. The workout today was great. I got through the first rd of burpees without breaking any up, the next 4 rounds weren't as pretty, though. The lunges weren't bad. The weight overhead after burpees kinda hurt my shoulder, but whatever. I gotta push through it. Unless I am going to get surgery, I just gotta man up.
I am excited about these next few months. I have started to reconsider participating in the qualifiers. I just don't know if it's entirely worth it. I am going to continue training and will for sure cheer on the amazing athletes that we will be sending up to Denver! We'll see what I think in a few days.
5 Rounds:
50 ft OH Lunges (33#)
21 Burpees
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