I've been so lazy...It's disappointing. I hate how much I loathe going into the gym. I know it will turn around. I will keep going, regardless of how I feel. There was a time when I didn't even take rest days; I want to get back to that. I want to get back to waking up in the morning excited to get to the gym. I get the MRI results tomorrow...
Anyway...the workouts have gone pretty well. Friday's afternoon classes got snowed out, which means I wasn't the only person that missed out on a day. Saturday, we did push press x2 and dead lift x5. The dead lifts felt better than they have in a while. After that we did amap double unders in 2 minutes then 50 knees to elbows. That killed my shoulder more than the push press. Damn. Sunday was snatches and some weird, fun box jump combination. We broad jumped over 4 reds then vertical jumped onto a 24in box with plates on top of it. It was a fun change from what we usually do. Today was supposed to be a rest day. Since I didn't work out Friday and neither did Megan, at noon we did cleans x2 and front squats x5. The squats felt really good, but I couldn't get my body to do a clean.
Push Press - 88 (stopped for shoulder...)
Dead Lift - 184
Snatches - 80
Cleans - 95ish
Front Squats - 110
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