Welp, I have officially made it through 22 days. I am really enjoying Paleo. The things I miss the most are ice cream (which is no surprise to people who are close to me), gum, and flavored coffee. I mainly have cheese with my eggs, but since we have started making our eggs in coconut oil, I don't miss it at all. The oil gives the egg just a hint of a flavor other than egg, which I can't stand to eat every single day. We have been trying all kinds of different meals. I made sweet potato fries and chicken fingers the other day. They were delicious. I "breaded" the chicken strips in ground almonds. I think that has been ZachR's favortie thing I have made thus far. I am surprisingly not tired of eating chicken breasts, eggs, and burgers like I thought I would be.
All has been going well. However, there is a trip this weekend. ZachR and I are going with his parents to Minnesota. We are going to a Twins game. I am a little nervous about getting snacks or a beer at the game because that's what you do at a baseball game. I mean, how else is one supposed to tolerate an exceptionally long game? Food and beer, only way to do it. His parents are very generous and I would put money on it that they will pack the stuff needed for my favorite drink: red bull vodka. They will be more than happy to buy us fast food at the pit stops we make. I just can't do it, not when I am this close to being done...
On that note, I am not exactly the happiest with the physical aspects of Paleo. I lost a bunch of weight in the first week, pounds and fat %. I haven't seen any numbers go down since then. I get that I am doing CFO much more regularly, which could cause me to gain # due to muscle. I understand that in Paleo you aren't supposed to lose weight. I am just not getting any leaner. I don't want to lose weight. I want to tone up. It just sucks. I am seeing plenty of benefits doing Paleo, though. I have more energy throughout the day and through workouts (even if my times don't show it). My skin is clearer, which I have been told is because of no dairy. I used to be sleeping better, until school started. We'll see. I have about 1 week left. I'll do final weigh ins and all that fun jazz.
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