I cannot believe it's already April. These damn qualifiers are coming up FAST!! Holy balls. So, turns out...you can't be prepared for them unless you start training. Weird. So I got my ass into the gym today. Also, weird. The workout was rough and in Ricky's words "puts hair on your face." Those Ricky-isms are the very thing that make me doubt doing CFO...ok, those are also some of the reasons I come back. I really enjoy workouts like todays that make my lungs burn and like I can't walk. The pullups and burpees really screwed up my shoulder, but what can ya do? I need to learn how to push through the pain, it's not like it will go away.
3 Rounds
3 110# cleans
7 burpee pullups
Time 11:3x
I was a little too delirious to hear the time Ricky said.
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