My world just keeps piling shit on. Luckily, I have the greatest support system there is. My mom and sisters are my best friends. They are entirely my strength. My mommy is the strongest person I know; she has been through some crazy shit, and still smiles everyday. Angela has been confronted with lots of obstacles and still comes out on top. E is just amazing. Although she will probably need a complete knee replacement in 2 years, she is still going to do her triathlon and is getting her PhD. We have Abby for our comic relief. She is my favorite person on the planet. All I need to do to cheer up is talk to her on the phone about something I allegedly left at the gym. Then there is Zach. I wouldn't be where I am today, if I didn't have him in my corner for the last 4.5 years. It hasn't always been easy, but I have loved all of it. And guess what! He decided to compete in the Regional Qualifier! I am thrilled for him. Then, there are my amazing friends. There are just some people in my world that make the day a whole lot easier. I am lucky to call them friends.
On that note, my training is still taking a backseat. Between school, 2 jobs, and now having 2 grandmas with broken hips, I don't always have time to get into the gym. I have been trying to put in little workouts when I have a few minutes. They are no where near as brutal as the horrible WOD's Ricky puts together, but it's something. I'm never happy with my times or weight lifted, but don't get to complain because I am not doing it regularly enough to warrant complaining. I'll jot down what workouts I can remember. However, the Zone is going really well. I am doing anywhere between 10-13 blocks a day and feeling great. I am trying out (not intermittent) fasting. I have done some research on it and really like it. I don't eat typically between the hours of 4pm-7am. Also, I am not drinking at all. I am on day 11 for that. It's getting easier to say no to temptations. Finally, this will be day 4 of no sodas, coffee, or Red Bull. Working out gives me more energy than I can get from a can. I just need to do it more...
21-15-9 squats, burpees, sit ups 7:084x800's 3:30, 3:29, 3:26, 3:24
(that's all I can remember. Horrible, right?!)
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