So, occasionally, I say things and then immediately regret them. This has been happening less and less since I am learning to "think before I speak," thanks to my loving family. However, it happened recently. As soon as the words came out of my mouth I regreted it. I tried to take them back, but the damage was done. Luckily, not much is riding on my words, but I still wish I could take back those few minutes at Gandalfo's.
Here's how it went down. After a lovely morning of CFO, a few of us went out to breakfast. ZachR and I were the first to sit down. As soon as his cheeks hit chair, I went into the wedding conversation I had planned. Apparently, at 7 in the morning after a CFFB WOD, he didn't want to hear it. Then, I uttered those words; the words that will change my entire summer. I said, "If I go to Crossfit 20 times this month, can we talk about the wedding the whole way to the Ozarks?"
Shit. This now means, I can't talk about the wedding nearly at all until July AND I have to workout 20 times in June. Well, 2 down...wish me luck. The first 2 WoD's were relatively easy and I am still looking forward to working out at 6am (best class) 3 days a week.
3 rds: 25 K2E, 50 situps, 75 jumping jacks - 17:xx
10, 9, 8...1: 1.5 pood swings, 35# lunges - 9:2x
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