I just worked out 3 days in a row. You heard correctly, I was actually at the gym and was productive (kind of) 3 days in a row. It was hard, but I am glad that I did it. That makes today my first official rest day since after Denver...which is pathetic. I am starting to turn a new leaf. I am going to get my ass in the gym. Anyone reading this needs to hold me to that, please.
The met-cons killed my respriatory system. I am no where near in good enough shape to be working out next to the people going to compete in the games. However, I did OHS and my right shoulder felt fine! That has never happened. I usually have to call it quits early on 1RM for that, but I was actually able to go until failure. I did, though, hurt my left shoulder. Thankfully, I work at a clinic where the therapists will stretch me and hook me up to any machine I want.
21-15-9 ball slams, pushup-less burpees, 5 yd sprints
Overhead Squats
102# tried at 107 and could have gotten it if I tried again, but too many lighter attempts
with Reba (sorry for slowing you down), 21 20# burpee squat cleans, front run scaling 2 walls, 21 pit jumps, back run scaling 1 cement wall, 1 rock wall, and 2 wooden plank walls, 21 parkour jumps. rest. 15. rest. 9. time.
the timer was in the sun so no idea the time, but it was a great wod.