Tuesday, July 6, 2010


I haven't posted in a while. We have had some pretty amazing meals these last few weeks. I made Paleo French Toast. Yup, you heard right. I made coconut bread and then made it into french toast. Delish (the bacon just added to the amazing yumminess!). The bread itself was a little dry, so I need to experiment with a few different strategies to make it taste better; Zach has yet to complain about me tweaking a recipe that he already likes. I found the recipe on tasty paleo - a site ZachR stumbled on. It's great. They have all kinds of good stuff on there. I will make all kinds of new fun stuff.

One of these recent nights past, we had a grilling bonanza! I stopped at HyVee because we forgot to thaw any meat that day (rare occurance). I know HyVee doesn't have the highest quality meat/ingredients, but we REALLY enjoyed this dinner. We grilled up 2 pork chops and 2 turkey breasts wrapped in bacon along with farm fresh zucchini. It was amazing!! I wish I would have bought more meat so I didn't have to stop eating. mmm.

Then, there was the 4th of July weekend. Talk about a crap-shoot! We ate everything in front of us. Paleo was the furthest thing from our minds. Delicious scotcharoos, brownies, cookies, booze, ice cream - you name it, we inhaled it! It was a nice break from Zach's typical strict Paleo mindset. We both had a good indulgence, and now he's back on track. I, however, am too stressed and have too odd of hours to be doing strict Paleo; also, I don't like it. My body doesn't do well without some milk. I can continue to cook Paleo foods for Zach to keep him happy, though. I'll just sneak in a tortilla or chocolate milk every now and again!