Thursday, October 22, 2009


Nim getting ready for Halloween!
I have always claimed to be busy. Usually, I am. Turns out, I was no where near stressed. Now, however, I am. I am being stretched to the max in just about every direction. School is picking up and I have 3 projects due within this week - 1 for each class. It is overwhelming, to say the least. If that was it, I would be content. The project that I am working on for my GA position is picking up as well. We have 7 people coming in from D.C. this upcoming week for 3 days to plan more extensively our conference. My family is crazy as ever. My grandmas are always in need of assistance. Abby has a Halloween party coming up. Halloween is a little over a week away. I feel like I have so many things to do in the next few weeks. I am stressed.
I know if working out will help, but I can't always get in at the class times I want. Next week, I might actually have to be up at 6 to workout because I'll be busy the entire rest of the day. Working out is a great stress reliever. I know that. Also, my diet hasn't been any where near on point. I have kinda let myself go...which has made me more tired. Here's hoping I can turn it around. I have no idea where this next week will leave me.

Friday, October 2, 2009


Fight Gone Bad 4

Hey all. This is my absolute favorite month. I LOVE Halloween. It's my favorite time of year. (I just wish it could come without the allergies.) I am very excited for the things that come along with this month. I love apple cider. I love going to the pumpkin patch for the prettiest pumpkin. I love wearing sweats every day. I really love our anniversary. The end of this month marks 5 years for ZachR and myself. I know I have said it before, but I wouldn't be where I am without him. Crossfit wouldn't even be in my personal dictionary had I not fallen in love with him. Thanks for it all, love.

Anywho, on to the workouts. My workouts have felt really good lately. I have had more energy than I have in a long time, more than I did on Paleo. The workouts have been fun. (I never thought I would see the day I called this sh!t fun.)
I have done:
back squat 5x5: 149# (85% highest wt)
1RM push jerk: 109
FGB 4: 237 (damn)
AMRAP 8 min, 12 front squats&12 burpees: 4 rds (77#)
3x500 m row: slowest time 2:05
Push press 5x5: 92# (highest wt)
7 rds, 10 cleans&20 rotational ball slams: 13:37 (68# clean, 16# slams)