Sunday, September 20, 2009

New Leaf

During the 9/14 Chipper

Alright, I have said this a time or two before, but now it's going to be true. I am doing a 30 day Crossfit Challenge. No matter how badly I don't want to go, I will be at Crossfit every day for 30days (sans rest days). If I can do a 30 day Paleo challenge, I can easily do CFO for 30. There are so many aspects of my training that I can't even begin to describe how frustrated they make me. I want to have a bigger DL and back squat. I want to be able to do more consecutive pushups and pullups. I want to take less breaks during metcons. Apparently, the only way to do this is to workout more. Even if I would rather get better by eating horribly and sitting on the couch. :)

Along with the CF challenge, I am doing the Zone for 30 days. I did not feel as good on Paleo as I did when I did the Zone for 2 weeks. So I figure why not just do a month. The biggest problem with Zone and Paleo, though, are how expensive it is. It is frustrating. I just want to be able to eat really well without having to pay an arm and a leg. However, to make up for our absurd grocery store bills, we are going to do a "Cheap October." The only exception to the cheapness will be our anniversary which is at the tail end of the month.

I would like to point out that I was there 6 days this week and since I worked out on the last rest day, I'll just work straight through to the next on Wednesday. I haven't worked out that much in a long time. If only my diet was up to par, I'd be feeling great. Instead, I feel really worn down and tired. I am hoping that getting back to the 3 days on, 1 off will help along with a better diet.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The End of it All

So, Paleo finally came to an end. I am not the happiest with it. I didn't get to see all the results that I wanted to see, that ZachR did see. That was the most frustrating part. He saw amazing results; his workouts improved; he felt way better. I didn't. My body didn't change nearly at all, except getting sick when I eat dairy. I lost only 1% body fat and 4#. Not nearly worth the pain of Paleo. My workouts have been stagnant for 8 months, but a little more energy when I am sucking at them. I am not patient enough to wait another 30 days to see if it works more then. I already had ice cream and tequila. I made the decision today, though, that I prefer the Zone. I felt much better on the Zone. I could drink, I wasn't as restricted. I saw more results in my workouts and my body. I am going to start that up again. With Zach still doing Paleo, it shouldn't be too hard. Here's hoping.

As for the workouts, they have been awful. I haven't been able to pull more than 225 off the ground since Nov. That's absurd. I am stuck in a horrible rut. My shoulder has been feeling better in workouts, though. I am just so weak with anything overhead that it's not even funny. That's why I do CF, though. I did do Filthy Fifty (per my choice) in Minnesota with the very new, small gym of CFMinneapolis. That workout felt really good. I felt strong the entire 30:19.

Also, I made the executive decision today that I am going to participate in a Sprint Triathalon. I suck at running and am terrified of riding a bike, so this should be interesting. I have always wanted to do it. What better time than now? I found one for next July to give me plenty of time for training.