Monday, August 31, 2009

Home Stretch

My Paleo lunch. Delicious.
YAY! Wednesday is day 30. I can see the light. I am so close to being done. However, I don't think my diet will change all that much. I am excited to have a cocktail at dinner. I have a sushi date for Thursday night. I am just worried about throwing all kinds of stuff back into my diet then feeling like shit for days. I really want to eat ice cream for breakfast on Thursday. I am just terrified of gettin a food hang over. I don't have time to be out of commission for a day. I think I will try to integrate no more than one "bad" food each day so I know which foods make me feel awful and which ones are ok to start eating again.
I am proud to report, though, that I made it through an entire roadtrip vacation strictly Paleo. We only packed Paleo foods and lots of water. I ate probably more than I should have, but it was all clean so it's ok. The in-laws got some desserts, but they were surprisingly easy to say no to. I was happy that I finally am able to say no to ice thanks to the Shannons.
My workouts have been going pretty well. I have more and more energy throughout the workouts. We did Filthy Fifty in Minnesota and I felt better afterwards than I thought I would. I finished better than expected, too. We'll see. I did 1rm snatch yesterday and it felt alright. I haven't done heavy snatch since before Denver, so I was a little nervous. Today is deadlift. I NEED to get a new pr otherwise I throw in the towel.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Problem Weekend

The CFO crew at the Games
Welp, I have officially made it through 22 days. I am really enjoying Paleo. The things I miss the most are ice cream (which is no surprise to people who are close to me), gum, and flavored coffee. I mainly have cheese with my eggs, but since we have started making our eggs in coconut oil, I don't miss it at all. The oil gives the egg just a hint of a flavor other than egg, which I can't stand to eat every single day. We have been trying all kinds of different meals. I made sweet potato fries and chicken fingers the other day. They were delicious. I "breaded" the chicken strips in ground almonds. I think that has been ZachR's favortie thing I have made thus far. I am surprisingly not tired of eating chicken breasts, eggs, and burgers like I thought I would be.

All has been going well. However, there is a trip this weekend. ZachR and I are going with his parents to Minnesota. We are going to a Twins game. I am a little nervous about getting snacks or a beer at the game because that's what you do at a baseball game. I mean, how else is one supposed to tolerate an exceptionally long game? Food and beer, only way to do it. His parents are very generous and I would put money on it that they will pack the stuff needed for my favorite drink: red bull vodka. They will be more than happy to buy us fast food at the pit stops we make. I just can't do it, not when I am this close to being done...

On that note, I am not exactly the happiest with the physical aspects of Paleo. I lost a bunch of weight in the first week, pounds and fat %. I haven't seen any numbers go down since then. I get that I am doing CFO much more regularly, which could cause me to gain # due to muscle. I understand that in Paleo you aren't supposed to lose weight. I am just not getting any leaner. I don't want to lose weight. I want to tone up. It just sucks. I am seeing plenty of benefits doing Paleo, though. I have more energy throughout the day and through workouts (even if my times don't show it). My skin is clearer, which I have been told is because of no dairy. I used to be sleeping better, until school started. We'll see. I have about 1 week left. I'll do final weigh ins and all that fun jazz.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Livin on a Prayer!

My applesauce/almond butter pancakes. mmm
Whoa! I'm half way there! Oooooh! Livin on a prayer. That song has been in my head all day. You know, since today is DAY 15!! There has only been one slip up, which I am counting as a pseudo cheat and not starting back at day 1. I went to the Farmer's Market on Saturday morning, thinking I'd be a good fiancee and pick up ZachR some of his favorite things. While I was walking around, I was offered 1, yes 1, German Roasted Almond. I popped it in my mouth, bought 2 bags (since ZachR and I indulged during Summer Arts Festival and thought he'd be happy) and went on my way. When walking back to my car, I realized what I did. I was DEVESTATED. I can't believe I didn't even think about it. It was just 1 sample. 1 measly little almond. Ugh. I am not starting over at day 1 because of 1 almond, but I am not happy with myself.
Other than that it's been pretty good. I had a little meltdown the other day, though, because I am sick of cooking. I make breakfast every day and dinner most nights. By day 12, I didn't even want to heat anything up. I am getting over it, however. I would be cooking either way. Zach has been great; he even took me out to dinner last Friday. :) I kept reading people saying they were seeing all these results and full of energy and I was throwing the bullshit flag. That is until day 11. I don't know what it was about that day, but I was bursting at the seams. Work was great. The workout sucked, but I was cheery. It was a great turning point that I had been waiting on. O, I made ice cream last night too! It wasn't exactly the Ben & Jerry's fix I was needing, but it works. ZachR made us a roast last night...amazing.
That's all I really have. I have only been going 3x each week. I know that needs to get stepped up, but I just don't really want to wake up at 6 or workout on a Saturday when I am on my feet for most of the day at work. Excuses, I know...

Monday, August 10, 2009


Getting warmed up for a nasty WOD
Today is day 8. I offically made it a week through Paleo. I would not be able to make it a week without ZachR. He has has been my strength. I was doing good for the first few days. Then, I would crave a sugary coffee or ice cream when I was at work or at the store. He is the first person I call to make sure I don't give in to my cravings. They have been fewer than I expected, though. I have been enjoying the meals, for the most part. A few things aren't as good as I had hoped, but that happens. It has been fun figuring out new ways to cook things that we usually make. I have eaten a lot more veggies than I thought I would. I mainly have been eating the same things, but am trying to mix it up. The workouts have been going really well. I haven't had as much energy as I would like, but I have been pretty consistent in my WOD's. I went 4 times last week. I should have gone more, but just couldn't get myself into the gym. But this is a new week. Hopefully, I will be able to get into the gym more. I went today; I hate Barbara. We'll see how it goes. Without Byers blog, we would be lost for new ways of thinking about food. I recommend going to her site if you want to start Paleo. O, and I have for sure seen the benefits physically and emotionally of doing Paleo, even for a week!

Monday, August 3, 2009

30 Days

So it begins. ZachR and myself started the Paleo challenge this morning. I am over 13 hours in, and feel great. Ha. If only it stayed this easy. We for the last month, indulged in every sense of the word. We ate WAY too much ice cream and candy. We also went to Scribner, NE for a birthday party. There was sheet cake, homemade ice cream, and all the peanut M&M's one could ever want. It was lovely. I never thought I would look forward to eating a spinach salad. The hardest part for me is going to be not eating gum. I chew gum all the time. I ALWAYS have some in my purse. I pop gum when I am annoyed or bored. It is going to be difficult. I am really looking forward to the challenge, though. It will be fun. Zach and I have decided to try all kinds of different veggies and learn all sorts of new ways to cook the food we always eat.

It all started with a blog. We have both been addicted to Byers' blog. Last month, she posted the challenge. 30 days strict Paleo. Seemed easy enough, but there was planning that needed to go into it. We decided to wait before just jumping in. We learned all about what foods and things to just have on hand. We threw away all peanut butter and cheese. Then, we went to Whole Foods. We got all different kinds of veggies, dressings, and meat. I am excited to plan out meals for the week. Since I am in the process of leaving one of my jobs, I have a whole lot more time on my hands. There will be plenty of time for making beautiful, ornate dinners.

Keep your fingers crossed. I have no doubt that I can make it through; I am incredibly stubborn. However, I am nervous I am just going to slip, eat something without even thinking about it. We'll see. 29 1/2 days left.