Monday, June 29, 2009

Hold your breath

Some of my favorite 'fitters. Jesus, you are missed.
I just worked out 3 days in a row. You heard correctly, I was actually at the gym and was productive (kind of) 3 days in a row. It was hard, but I am glad that I did it. That makes today my first official rest day since after Denver...which is pathetic. I am starting to turn a new leaf. I am going to get my ass in the gym. Anyone reading this needs to hold me to that, please.

The met-cons killed my respriatory system. I am no where near in good enough shape to be working out next to the people going to compete in the games. However, I did OHS and my right shoulder felt fine! That has never happened. I usually have to call it quits early on 1RM for that, but I was actually able to go until failure. I did, though, hurt my left shoulder. Thankfully, I work at a clinic where the therapists will stretch me and hook me up to any machine I want.
21-15-9 ball slams, pushup-less burpees, 5 yd sprints
Overhead Squats
102# tried at 107 and could have gotten it if I tried again, but too many lighter attempts
with Reba (sorry for slowing you down), 21 20# burpee squat cleans, front run scaling 2 walls, 21 pit jumps, back run scaling 1 cement wall, 1 rock wall, and 2 wooden plank walls, 21 parkour jumps. rest. 15. rest. 9. time.
the timer was in the sun so no idea the time, but it was a great wod.

Monday, June 22, 2009


during WOD 3 in Denver
I am beginning to realize I need to commit to CFO like it's my job. Granted, at this current venture in my life, I already have what's one more? It is becoming more and more difficult for me to be able to wake up to get to a 6am class. Noon doesn't work because I generally work at 1, which also eliminates the afternoon classes. My day to day schedule is never the same. However, I have a very loving (sometimes pushy) fiance that helps get my @$$ to the gym every now and again. I am trying to do it more. On that same note, actually trying to give it my all when I am there: less rest, less complaining, etc.
The CFO crew did a whole bunch of strength 2 weeks ago. I have done 3 of the 5ish lifts and just need to make up the rest. Since I never consistently work out, I am considering these #s baseline and just a weight to improve upon. The back squats felt ok; I still need to concentrate on shooting my knees out. The deadlifts were shit. The snatches hurt my shoulder after 3 warmup muscle I knew it would be a good day...Today, I am hoping to do a metcon then straight into 1rm clean and jerk. My last pr was (I think) 120# so we'll see.
Back Squat: 165# (10# pr)
DL: 225 (5#off pr)
Full Catch Snatch: 77#
with a few metcons thrown in there too.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Stupid June

The CFO crew
So, occasionally, I say things and then immediately regret them. This has been happening less and less since I am learning to "think before I speak," thanks to my loving family. However, it happened recently. As soon as the words came out of my mouth I regreted it. I tried to take them back, but the damage was done. Luckily, not much is riding on my words, but I still wish I could take back those few minutes at Gandalfo's.
Here's how it went down. After a lovely morning of CFO, a few of us went out to breakfast. ZachR and I were the first to sit down. As soon as his cheeks hit chair, I went into the wedding conversation I had planned. Apparently, at 7 in the morning after a CFFB WOD, he didn't want to hear it. Then, I uttered those words; the words that will change my entire summer. I said, "If I go to Crossfit 20 times this month, can we talk about the wedding the whole way to the Ozarks?"
Shit. This now means, I can't talk about the wedding nearly at all until July AND I have to workout 20 times in June. Well, 2 down...wish me luck. The first 2 WoD's were relatively easy and I am still looking forward to working out at 6am (best class) 3 days a week.
3 rds: 25 K2E, 50 situps, 75 jumping jacks - 17:xx
10, 9, 8...1: 1.5 pood swings, 35# lunges - 9:2x