Thursday, January 29, 2009


Alison F. pressing in the Total
I would like to start off by saying how much I dislike Dustin Tovar. :) OK, totally kidding. He and I decided last night to do both the .com and CFO workouts. It was exhausting and fun. I didn't workout today. Lazy excuses start flying...whatev.
During the thruster workout, my shoulders never started hurting. I was so excited. I felt like I could have maybe gotten 120 is I tried again, but since I was doing another workout, I just called it after failing once. I was happy, anyway, with the amount that I put up. For the CFO workout, it didn't look as bad as it truly was. I went through the first round of box jumps and wall balls still thinking that...then came the SDHP. Those kill my shoulder. I tried to do 5-4 which worked till the last round, which was more of 3 sets of 3. I could have shaved a whole lot of time off if I didn't take so many breaks during the high pulls. Meh, o well. There's minimal pain in my shoulder today, so I'm happy. Plus, I am calling my surgeon this week to set up a time to go see him. This is just too much...
I have had a really rough time with things right now. There are lots of things that have frustrated me to an extreme. It's been a weird adjustment with everything.

Anyway, WOD:
1 rep thruster - 115#
3 Rounds: 21 box jumps, 15 wall balls, 9 sumodeadlift high pulls
time: 8:01

Monday, January 26, 2009

Happy Birthday Teagan Frausto!

Joe teaching Stacey about Press
Holy Moly! What a happy day! Baby Frausto graced us with her presence today. I'm so excited for Ricky and Crystal. They are going to have their hands full, though. She's large and in charge. :) Congrats to the Ricky, Crystal, and Damian.

So, my workout schedule has been all out of whack. Working 7-7 on Fridays really kills the 3 on-1off schedule that .com follows. I am going to try my hardest to go either Monday through Thursday and Saturdays or Saturday through Wednesday and take Thurs. & Fri. off. Any advice for which is better? I need to get in 5 days a week and can't go Fridays ever.

Either way, Saturday I did the CF total. I didn't participate in this last spring because I was so new to Crossfit and was nervous about how little I would be able to do. Now, though, I was really excited to see what my total was. I wasn't happy with the back squats or the press because I was nervous about hurting my shoulder. The angle in which my shoulder has to be at for back squats irritates the hell out of it. Then, going straight into the press just plain hurt. I stopped short of my max so that I didn't make it worse.

Sunday, I was unable to workout at the class time because ZachR and I went to Lincoln with his family to celebrate a birthday.

Today, I did AMRAP in 15 min of swings and double unders. I was really disappointed with my DU performance. I failed way too many times. It's really frustrating not doing something I know I can do. I apparently have something else on my weakness list. Crap.


Back Squat - 154

Press - 75

Dead Lift - 208

AMRAP in 15 of 12 - 1.5 Swings & 21 - DU

7 rounds + 12 swings

Thursday, January 22, 2009


The Professor during the Midwest Challenge

Crap. I accidently took just about an entire week off of working out. I have lots of excuses for each day, but mainly: sick, work, no alarm. Whatever. Can't dwell on the past; gotta keep the eyes looking straight ahead. I am happy that I did get back in the gym today. It's a great feeling to have your ass kicked by yourself. Sometimes at the gym, I feel like Tyler Durden. I actively choose to go in each day (some days...) and get my ass beat.

So todays .com workout was rough. I, apparently, chose a good week to take off though. Everyone around the gym is complaining about how they haven't been this sore since they first started Crossfit. The workout today was great. I got through the first rd of burpees without breaking any up, the next 4 rounds weren't as pretty, though. The lunges weren't bad. The weight overhead after burpees kinda hurt my shoulder, but whatever. I gotta push through it. Unless I am going to get surgery, I just gotta man up.

I am excited about these next few months. I have started to reconsider participating in the qualifiers. I just don't know if it's entirely worth it. I am going to continue training and will for sure cheer on the amazing athletes that we will be sending up to Denver! We'll see what I think in a few days.

5 Rounds:

50 ft OH Lunges (33#)

21 Burpees


Friday, January 16, 2009


Joe W. bustin out muscle ups. Love my trainers...

So the last few days have been pretty good. I took Tuesday off so that I didn't work out Saturday through Thursday. I thought that would be a bad idea. With my work schedule on Fridays, there isn't a time I can get in, so I always end up taking an extra rest day. It's frustrating and I am working on seeing if I can come in an hour later on Fridays so I can workout @6am and keep the 3 days on-1 off schedule. Here's hoping.
Wednesday, I did 3 rep overhead squats. I was really apprehensive about putting any weight overhead because my shoulder has just started to feel better. ZachR and I had decided we would both go in and do this WOD but stop before we got stupid. I only got up to 98# but felt like I could have gone heavier if it weren't for the stabbing pain in my shoulder. O well. One day at a time, right? It didn't hurt by the time I got to work, so I was happy with my decision to stop.
Thursday, I did Tuesday's main site workout. I for some reason, thought I did way more weight on the cleans than I did and was disappointed when I realized it. SHit happens. I didn't think the workout was that bad...thanks to the bands that lifted my ass on the dips. I felt good about the cleans, though.
Today, I am planning on doing Annie since I forgot Wed. and Thurs. to do it. It's an easy workout that I will probably do late tonight. I am excited for a good weekend of workouts!
I have felt better going in to the gym on a more regular basis, just all around. Plus, the diet is going good. It's time consuming but well worth the effort! I have given up on not drinking, though. I decided that if I "budget" them into my blocks each day, I can have a drink or 2. I will get more serious about this (if I get registered) starting in April. I have plenty of time to drink till then!
My world is calming down a little. Still on a lack of sleep, but whatelse is new. I feel like things are falling back into place. Its great having the support system that I have. I am back to cooking again, which I hadn't done in about 6 weeks. I have a schedule again; it's different and will take some getting used to, but a schedule none the less.

Wed: 3 rep OH Squats
Thurs: 15 cleans-30 dips-12-24-9-18-6-12-3-6
18:18 with 80# cleans and started with tan band and switched to tan and purple for the last 3 sets. Nearly bit it a couple times...

Monday, January 12, 2009


Thank Goodness for my CFO girls! I would be lost without them.

I am going to start out by saying things in my life are extremely chaotic right now. I said it earlier in the blog for workout reasons, but now in another aspect of my life, I feel like I am stuck between a rock and no where. I don't know what to do. The only thing that makes sense to me now is continuing to workout and eat healthy. School started again today, which will throw off my routine of napping every day entirely. My sleep schedule is shot to shit. I just don't know about a lot of things right now. I feel like someone took my little world and turned it upside down and shook it all up like a snow globe. Now, I'm just the little snowman inside who has no idea what's going on. (Weird analogy, I know. But it's all I got.)

Today was the first day we did a main site WOD. I was nervous until I saw the actual workout. It didn't seem that bad. First off, I had NO idea what virtual shoveling was. Turns out, you put weight on 1/2 of a bar and lift it over a 24 inch box and back. That's 1. We had to do way more than just one. The rx'd workout was 30-25-20...5 of shovels and pullups. I wanted to make sure that I could finish the workout, so I scaled to 20 down to 5. I finished first...but it doesn't count because I can't put rx'd behind my time. Pull ups really hurt my shoulder. I didn't ever string together more than 4. That's really frustrating and needs to get better if I think I am even going to have a shot at competing with some of the women that will be at FrontRange. Either way, I finished before the cutoff and then kept going. I got 20 more shovels and 1 pullup. I had a full minute to get as many pullups as I could, but my shoulder hurt and I didn't want to push further than it was ready for. I can still move my arm with minimal pain, so I am glad I stopped.


20-15-10-5 Shovels and Pullups


Sunday, January 11, 2009


ZachR box jumpin in Milwuakee

Today, we had a meeting with the people, 20 roughly, who are going to make the trek to the qualifiers. It was fun to get (most of) us in a room and just chat about planning and where we are all headed. The group is pretty solid. I enjoy the people we are going. It should be a whole lot of fun and I am getting more and more excited with each day. The more I think about it, the bus ride there and back will probably be the most fun road trip ever. At least it has the potential to be.

The workouts leading up to it, however, will not be as much fun. We will be doing main site WOD's starting tomorrow. It's scary and exciting. I will have to do plenty of scaling at the beginning but am looking forward to a few months from now. It will definitely put my ego (what little I have) in check. With my shoulder slightly out of commission for a while, I will be doing what I can but not pushing too far. I want to make sure it's in peak condition in May in the off chance I'll actually be going.

Today was a rest day again for the qualifiers crew, but I needed to make up a few workouts from this week. I ended up doing hang power cleans and a quick metcon. The metcon didn't look that bad and got the surname "Whooping Cough" because of what it did to your lungs. I thought people were crazy. It didn't look that bad. I was wrong. It took everything out of me, and I didn't even do full burpees. This should be an interesting few months. I was pretty pleased with my cleans though. For a bum-ish shoulder, I thought it was going to be way worse. Each day, my body will be a little different. I need to start accepting that and figuring it into my times and weights. I could have gone harder. I hate that feeling.
As for the Zone, I apparently took the weekend off. Whoops. Monday starts a new day and I'll be ready to go for a month. I might change my no drinking...I know. After only 5 days, I caved. I can't say no to Patron margaritas. So delicious. Either way, I will only drink 1 day a week. Still, that's better than it has been lately. No worries. All will be well. :)

Hang Power Clean:


I finished @ 120#.

21-15-9 of Box Jumps, No PushUp Burpees, and 16# Ball Slams

5:20 with a break to tie my pants so they would stop falling down.

Saturday, January 10, 2009


YAY! I got back into the gym today. I felt like such a pile each day not coming in. Wednesday, I had woken up to get in at 6am, but couldn't put a sports bra on so decided not to go in. Thursday, I was just lazy. Friday I worked 7-7 so all workout times were out. Regardless, I got in today. Granted, it was a rest day for the people who are training, but since I missed 3 strength days, I don't get another day off for a while. yay.

Today was fun. I just like being in the gym. It's become a safe haven for me. It is a place where I don't have to think about anything. It's marvelous. Since I am not 100% confident in my shoulder again yet, I decided to just do 3 rep dead lifts. I tried to stay in a corner of the gym to not attract attention to myself. It's stupid, but I don't like people watching me when I am lifting. Obviously, it's something I will have to get over. It's a mental block. I have a lot of those. Either way, I did dead lifts and felt pretty good about them until I finished. I feel like I should be able to do so much more weight in DL, but I just can't. I don't get it. My 1RM is only 220, so I have no where but up to go. I attempted 203; it tweaked my back on 1 rep and I don't want to have another reason to not work out, so I just called it.

As for the Zone, I took a day off yesterday but am back on the bandwagon for now. We are going out to dinner tonight and to a hockey game, so I don't know how long it will last. It's easier to take a cheat day this time around, knowing how easy it is to get back to it. I think it's necessary to allow yourself little indulgences every once and a while. If not, it's no fun.

3 RM Dead Lift:

3x 198# (bullshit)

Thursday, January 8, 2009


So lovely. After the jerks and pullups the other day, my right shoulder hurt incredibly bad. So I have been on a pretty regular routine of ice and pain killers. It was getting worse while I was at work, so I had my boss look at it. (Perks of working at a physical therapy clinic) He told me that there is a good chance I have a torn labrum, which is the cartilage in the shoulder. The plan of attack now is to go at my tolerance level, which we all know is pretty low, for about 2 more weeks. If it's still bothering me in 2 weeks, I need to go get an MRI. But until then, I am supposed to add a whole lot more band work into my daily routine to strengthen my rotator cuff muscles. Woot.

So shit. I was really excited about training, and zoning, and not drinking. If I can't train anymore, though, I feel like it's all shot to shit. I took yesterday and will probably take off till Friday. Saturday should be fun. I am just keeping my fingers crossed at this point, that it's not anything that serious and I can just get back in the gym like nothing happened. Here's hoping.

As for the Zone, I am officially through 3 days and into my 4th. It's so much easier this time around. However, yesterday I wanted Cheesecake Factory cheesecake so damn badly. Luckily, I was too lazy to get off my butt and go get it. The not drinking is a little harder because so many people want to take ZachR and I out for celebratory drinks. Which is lovely, but hard to resist drinking when they are long as I have something to shoot for, I'll be fine.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Holy Moly. Today KILLED me. It started out poorly which usually means I am going to hate the rest of my day. I couldn't get my ass outta bed for the 6am class (which I love) which usually puts me in a bad mood the rest of the day. Then, I woke up late for my physical therapy appointment for my shoulder and didn't get to go to that. Luckily, I work in the clinic, so I can go in basically any time. :) The thought of breakfast this morning, just sounded awful. I couldn't wrap my head around the thought of food. Finally, after 2 hours of being awake, I made my Zone approved breakfast. Rough morning.
The Zone has been going well though. It has only been 2 days, and I already have eaten out once. Crap. It was ok though. I got chicken and asparagus with minimal rice and have most of it left for lunch tomorrow minus the rice. I haven't had a cocktail either, which is harder than usual when I go out to dinner with my daddy.
So I decided to go in at noon for the WOD. The CFO site was a rest day, but since we are training, I did split jerks 2 rep max then pullups. During the workout, it felt good. I was excited about the weight I was throwing around. Addi helped me get over my fear of throwing up yellows. I beat my sister, which I always love to do although it doesn't happen often. After the jerks I did pullups. I was supposed to do weighted but I am a weinie. I did a few rounds of 3 reps with a little band and then was told if I can do them strict, that's what I should be doing with just more breaks. Great advice. I ended up doing 4 sets of single pullups then finally got up to 5#. Not much, but for me it was a big deal. I was pretty excited. However, on the way home, my R shoulder started KILLING. It hurt so bad. It hasn't stopped hurting. I don't know what to do. It makes me really nervous about regionals. Hells Bells. I am scared that this is going to hold me back... So here's the break down:

2 RM Split Jerks
Completed 122x2 and 127x1 (HUGE PR!)
Pull ups 1rep plus 5#.

Woot Woot.

Monday, January 5, 2009


So 2009 is the beginning of the new me. I am terrified and scared and excited all at the same time. I am going to attempt some things that I never thought possible.
For one thing, I decided quit drinking booze all together for 2 months. Its going to be hard and its going to suck but I am pretty excited about doing it. My liver, apparently, needs a break. I am trying to improve my quality of life and have made some bad decisions as of late after drinking so I am cutting it out. I am going to do the Zone strict for as long as I can. I, oddly enough, am excited to get back to it. I have felt so unhealthy the last few weeks because of the horrible food I have been eating. I have never felt as good as a whole as I did while I was doing the Zone. It's time consuming and hard, but totally worth it. Today at the gym, we started training for the CF games which will be held in CO in May the weekend after my birthday. It's going to be lots of work and grueling as hell, but I am really looking forward to seeing how far I can be pushed and still succeed. O ya, and I am engaged. ENGAGED. That scares the hell out of me but at the same time, makes me extremely excited and hopeful. There is no wedding in the near (3 years) future, but it's something to think about...

3 rep Back Squats
I was pissed I only got up to 142 x4 and couldnt get reds (got 2 reps). Pissed. It makes me nervous that I am biting off more than I can chew. I felt really out of place this morning when I saw the huge weights being pushed around by the other people that are training. I feel al little inadequate. I hate being put into a position where I feel as though I have no where to go, between a rock and no where.