Joe W. bustin out muscle ups. Love my trainers...
So the last few days have been pretty good. I took Tuesday off so that I didn't work out Saturday through Thursday. I thought that would be a bad idea. With my work schedule on Fridays, there isn't a time I can get in, so I always end up taking an extra rest day. It's frustrating and I am working on seeing if I can come in an hour later on Fridays so I can workout @6am and keep the 3 days on-1 off schedule. Here's hoping.
Wednesday, I did 3 rep overhead squats. I was really apprehensive about putting any weight overhead because my shoulder has just started to feel better. ZachR and I had decided we would both go in and do this WOD but stop before we got stupid. I only got up to 98# but felt like I could have gone heavier if it weren't for the stabbing pain in my shoulder. O well. One day at a time, right? It didn't hurt by the time I got to work, so I was happy with my decision to stop.
Thursday, I did Tuesday's main site workout. I for some reason, thought I did way more weight on the cleans than I did and was disappointed when I realized it. SHit happens. I didn't think the workout was that bad...thanks to the bands that lifted my ass on the dips. I felt good about the cleans, though.
Today, I am planning on doing Annie since I forgot Wed. and Thurs. to do it. It's an easy workout that I will probably do late tonight. I am excited for a good weekend of workouts!
I have felt better going in to the gym on a more regular basis, just all around. Plus, the diet is going good. It's time consuming but well worth the effort! I have given up on not drinking, though. I decided that if I "budget" them into my blocks each day, I can have a drink or 2. I will get more serious about this (if I get registered) starting in April. I have plenty of time to drink till then!
My world is calming down a little. Still on a lack of sleep, but whatelse is new. I feel like things are falling back into place. Its great having the support system that I have. I am back to cooking again, which I hadn't done in about 6 weeks. I have a schedule again; it's different and will take some getting used to, but a schedule none the less.
Wed: 3 rep OH Squats
Thurs: 15 cleans-30 dips-12-24-9-18-6-12-3-6
18:18 with 80# cleans and started with tan band and switched to tan and purple for the last 3 sets. Nearly bit it a couple times...